venerdì 15 settembre 2017

I libri di Margherita: Little Women

Oggi, la mia prima scheda di lettura in lingua inglese dopo la lettura emozionante del grande classico di Louisa May Alcott in lingua originale.


Titolo: Little Women
Autore: Louisa May Alcott
Casa Editrice:
Numero di pagine: 316

One year. From a Christmas to another, in the Ninteenth century.

“Little Women” is the story of four American sisters: the beautiful and unsatisfied Meg (Margaret), the boyish and clever Jo (Josephine), the shy and sweet Beth (Elisabeth) and the pretty and selfish Amy (Amanda).
Their Father is gone into the army, and they and their mother are alone.
Their best friend is their neighbor Laurie, a smiling, intelligent, beautiful and affectionate boy.
His grandfather is an old, good, polite gentleman, who has lost his little granddaughter and is always pensive, and he loves the Marchs.
The sisters are very different and each one has got trubles and fears to fight, but they love each other, and they are well.
Each girl has her personal solace: for Meg her parties, for Jo her beloved books, for Bethy the music of her little piano and her old dolls Joanna, and for Amy her artistic talent.
The life isn’t easy for them, but they are brave little girls.
During the book they fight their own battles, laugh, cry, pray, wait, have funny times but especially they grow, throw pain, happiness and love.
Following the example of their dear Marmee and their earnest Father, reading their little books, preing, becoming more united day after day, they’ll go ahead on Pilgrim’s Progress, and finally they become brave, honest, beautiful, hopeful and faithful Little Women.

I loved this book.
It’s more beutiful in English than in Italian, the characters in Italian are nice, but not as particular as in the original version.
My favourite characters are Beth, Laurie and old Mr. Laurence.
Beth is so timid, sweet, peacemaker and lovely that it’s impossibile don’t love her  like Jo does. I liked her at all, she’s so delicate with the unlucky old Joanna e dearly loves her little piano.
Laurie is affectionate, marry and alone, he lost his parents and needs friends and company. He loves so tenderly the Marchs and Jo that, thought he is mischevious and sometimes malicious, I liked him: it seems like he’s my brother now.
He is a passionate young man and he loves Jo, it’s cristal clear: he’s always kind and tender with Jo, and he always support her when she’s sad or alone.
Jo’s tears are Teddy’s tears, and Jo’s laugh are Teddy’s laugh: they divide all.
Thought Jo likes “Teddy” she thinks that he’s only a friend for her.
I felt that Laurie was melanchonic at the first, but when he knows the Marchs he blown-up like a flower.
Mr. Laurence is perfectly well.
He’s pensive, sharp. polite, old and sometimes angry, but the delusion for his son, Laurie’s father, made him so.
He loves little Beth tenderly and dearly, because she seems his dead granddaughter.
He seems gruff, but his sadness is so deep and honest when Beth is ill that I loved him like he’s my grandpa.
“Little Women” in English is one of the better book I have ever read.

 Con questo post partecipo al  "Venerdì del libro" di "HomeMadeMamma".

4 commenti:

  1. Per me è incredibile! Ha un'ottima padronanza della lingua. Come hai fatto per aiutarla con la lingua inglese? Ho visto le prima?

  2. Grazie, carissima.
    In realtà non abbiamo fatto nulla di particolare, se non adottare un testo scolastico e seguirlo facendo tanto tanto ascolto.
    Contemporaneamente, dall'inizio della prima media, abbiamo iniziato con le canzoni.
    All'inizio Margherita era un po' in difficoltà ma, progressivamente, la seconda lingua è diventata per lei sempre più naturale: ora legge da sola testi in lingua, ascolta musica e filmati in tv (ad esempio, documentari naturalistici e dibattiti politici) e fa ricerche su testi in lingua inglese anche per materiale che poi traduce in italiano, spesso per i sui racconti.

  3. Ma è stata bravissima!!!! E tu anche ad insegnarle.
    Comunque il tuo blog è utilissimo, anche per i bambini che seguono un percorso di studi tradizionale
